Indoor Car Boot

We are hosting an indoor Car Boot Sale

to be held twice a month.

Current dates are; 

March 2nd

March 16th

April 6th

April 20th

The café is open and welcomes dogs.

This is held at St.Catherine’s Community Centre

Crook, Co Durham.

You never know what you might find.

Saving our Centre

Collecting the pennies continued last month. We raised £420 toward the total which is now £1374.

Domino cards are a favourite, a kind soul emptied the coppers jar another donated unused crafting items. This prompted us to hold a Crafty Destash that was well attended with stalls from others.

Saving Our Centre

The lease is expiring and the building is to be put up for sale. We hope by fundraising we can raise enough to purchase the property and continue serving the people of Crook and the surrounding Area.

Please sign the petition

The total at the end of September.
We are busy counting the donations so far and the results of fundraising.
A follower has launched a digital petition that can be found at If you could sign and share. Thanks.